Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Paris, France, arrived today from Dijon.

Arrived in Paris today and miraculously the planning was so smooth I almost fainted in my new bed. A greek god looked like he was going to piss on my head and I needed to react quick.

This morning walked into a train office in Dijon with my little note and had a ticket in 5 minutes, fabulous lunch, good timing for the super-fast TGV train which was really moving along that track, waited a short time in line for a taxi (no bus today), taxi took the direct route to the hotel and voila neatly tucked into a pretty little hotel and into a pre-booked reservation (last night booking at that). 

I did book this hotel, thinking it was a different hotel and fortunately this new hotel is so much better than the original hotel. I was in a bit of panic trying to figure out what I actually booked on and where it is.  I finally went with it and kept the reservation.  

TT and I made it to the Greek or is Roman room in Paris
This new one is in a similar location near along the left bank of the Seine river, near the Lourve, Musee d'orsay and Notre Dame.  When I did find the original hotel on the internet it would be a bad deal for me to stay.  The new hotel called Hotel de Lille (instead of hotel du Lille)  gave me a renovated room since I am here four days which has some interesting Greek wallpaper, the bed is superb, bathroom fantastic, and very pleased, am I. Not a bustling nightlife but I like to sleep then. 

Really pretty amazing to be here in Paris and I am excited to be here with all the sights. Got me rejuvenated.

 First views of the city of lights. 
 A couple hours after checking into my hotel, I walk 2 blocks to the Seine River and see this view on the left hand side. 
 I continue walking across the bridge where I took the above picture and come to the Louvre portal which is 3 blocks including a bridge from my hotel.
 I walk along the esplanade and there is a ferris wheel and some rainy clouds. 
I look to my left and see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Sorry it is fuzzy because on max telephoto and I need to be stable which is hard for me to achieve:) 
  I found a French flag to photo. 
Finally, I decide to walk to the Eiffel Tower where there are tons of folks at night and get the photo below. It is freakin huge and I must have been jaded by all those miniature Eiffels that I have seen  over the years. Sure felt small standing directly underneath it. 

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