Sunday, August 14, 2011

Brussels, is a slow time waiting for the ride home

Making my rounds of Brussels to see a few attractions, but not to intensely by any means. Last night, the dinner was excellent with a chocolate mousse that was oh so rich and creamy.

Here is a picture of a cathedral that tried to be but did not make it to the upper echelons of ecclesiastical beauty because of financial difficulties created by the revisions in design. One of the largest cathedrals in the world but it is a great contrast to the Barcelona chatheral which was started at the same time.

The Grand place and Grote Market is quite a beautiful square. It is quite ornate. Fortunately, Brussels was not bombed during WWII.
The pose constructed for the picture
At first, the picture pose was a bit unusual to me as I saw folks sprawling across the floor of the Louvre or alluringly shimmering up the stairs of the Seville Cathedral or  meandering around a statue to suddenly find the right spot and curl their head back toward the camera with mouth agape for unique photos.  Now, it looks like folks really are having fun composing the pose in its many variations.
My bag

Now, I can understand Tom Hanks character and his creation of Wilson, (the soccer ball companion in the Castaway). Here is my constant companion courtesy of my brother. My bag has been extremely useful, and always with me, but no it does NOT have a name.  This may be my last post as I leave in a few days and nothing much is happening.

The trip has been TREMENDOUS!!!!!

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