Friday, August 12, 2011

Bayeux, France in the Normandy region and WWII history

Went from Paris by train to Bayeux, France for extensive knowledge acquisition on the WWII D-Day invasion.
 Bayeux was first town recaptured by the Allies after D-Day and it was never bombed nor destroyed as other towns in this region were.  So the cathedral is intact and town has many old buildings too. This area was part of the American zone and where the Battle of Hedgerows were fought. These battles lasted for months and was immediately after the D-day. Many more Americans died in the Battle of the Hedgerows than who died during D-day invasion.

Also there is WWII cemeteries everywhere in the region and WWII was pure hell.

The cemetery outside Bayeux was for Commonwealth soldiers. As the case with British soldiers, they are generally buried in the area that they died.  Americans are given a choice for the remains to be returned to the USA or buried where they fell.

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