Started strong but could not find a museum pass and the rain created some barriers.
.After my failure in visiting 5 metro offices to find a museum pass, the rain was nagging and it was time for a pizza. The thinnest pizza that I ever ate and it was good too

Bathrooms to the right can get very tight. I am taking a picture in the mirror and a sink is below me.
Nothing like a good pizza to perk me up on a rainy day.
The rain let up and I went to the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral which is not too far from where I am staying and the pizza above. Very old of course and has gone through many periods of destruction with a huge restoration in the mid-1800s. Quite impressive, especially the stained glass and rose windows, the treasures and relics, and the famous people affiliated with the church and honored through statutes.
Dreaded U-turn line to enter. |
The crowds are humongous here in Paris. This the dreaded U Line, that goes so far, the line runs out of straight-line space and must form a big U. Fortunately, it went very fast, especially with some nice folks from New York who were vacationing in Paris.
There was a little wine with the lunch which produced a SISH on my entry to the sacred grounds. Yes, I deserved it but it is silly, since there are 12 million people who plow through the cathedral each year (most popular attraction in France). Just look at this line and all those people are milling around this space which is sacred to many. Just an interesting conundrum to keep it scared as people visit it for cultural reasons. Here are some inside pictures which are NOT against the rules.
Lots of treasures in the extra room and the audio-guide was difficult to follow but the first is the carrier for the crown of thorn of roses, second has a piece of cross attributed to 300 CE and third has a nail from the cross or maybe these are just the carriers. Hard to tell.
Finally the best caramel ice cream that I ever had. The Seine River is in the background. There is some dark chocolate at the bottom. The cone was not so fresh but the ice cream was the second best since Yleca in Spain.